Top Tips for Successful eCommerce Companies

If you find yourself looking on enviously at successful eCommerce sites, wondering how you can replicate that success then this is the article for you. At Shipjoy Fulfillment, we work with some of the most successful eCommerce brands and we’ve rounded up some of the best eCommerce tips for you to level up your game. 

Attractive Branding

The first eCommerce tip is Branding. A brand isn’t just a logo or slogan, it’s about what makes your company special, what you stand for, and how you communicate with your audience. Refine and promote your brand so that you’re appealing to the right audience. 

Product Selection

Curating your products should be a top priority. A selection of high-quality, popular products is a must. Your customers will soon let you know if they aren’t meeting their expectations, but by then the damage to your brand (and future sales) has already been done. 

Invest In UI & UX

Your customer should be at the heart of everything you do. This includes the user UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) on your site. People use the internet daily and they know what makes a good user experience. If your site isn’t providing this to them, they have no problem going somewhere else. 

Free Shipping

Who pays for shipping anymore? Multiple studies show that customers expect free shipping and fast delivery times. Of course, at Shipjoy, that’s music to our ears as we specialize in fulfilling these delivery requirements. 

First-Class Customer Service

You know there’s a saying, the customer is always right. Even when they aren’t, how you deal with this speaks volumes. Customers expect responsive, polite, and helpful customer service in all of their interactions with you. 

Sell On Multiple Platforms

It makes good business sense to make your products available on a number of platforms. Being dependent on one platform entirely is a risky move. Imagine if you were getting all of your sales from organic search and then a change to the Google algorithm suddenly cut your traffic in half? Widen your reach by considering platforms such as Etsy, eBay, and Amazon. 

Mobile First 

It is so important to make your site mobile-friendly. Google even uses this as a ranking factor. Most people conduct their lives from their smartphones and you need a flawless mobile site and user experience. If you don’t have one, put this at the top of your to-do list. 

Attractive Images

Good product photography is a must on your eCommerce site. Bad photos can make even the best products look a little bargain basement and won’t do anything to attract customers. Either get up to speed on the latest photography techniques or invest in a professional photographer. 

Nail Your Product Descriptions

These are vital to your site. Not only are product descriptions like your sales brochure for a product, but they are also important for SEO too. Take time to craft these properly. 

A Good Review Is Priceless

The majority of people read customer reviews before they make a purchase. Negative reviews can have a terrible impact on sales, so alongside excellent customer service, encourage your customers to leave you positive reviews. If you’d like to take a look at our customer reviews, head on over to the Shipjoy Facebook page now. 


We hope you enjoyed our top eCommerce tips. If you would like to join the many successful eCommerce companies already using Shipjoy for their fulfillment needs, contact us today to see how we could help you.